BEHIND THE GOLDEN SHOVEL | South Atlantic Logistics Terminal (SALT) Pt. 1
In November 2024, NorthPoint Development in partnership with CrossHarbor Capital Partners celebrated the groundbreaking on an 880-acre economic development site in Hardeeville that will accommodate up to 6M square-feet of warehouse and industrial space. Phase I of the project represents $200M in capital investment and will generate more than 550 jobs at full buildout.

BEHIND THE GOLDEN SHOVEL | Barnwell County, Pt. 4
In this episode, we join City of Barnwell Mayor Ron Still, as he shares about business and infrastructure projects happening in Barnwell. Mayor Still also discusses the Barnwell County Career Center and all of the training programs they offer. We then head over to the Town of Blackville, where Mayor Ronnie Pernell talks about some exciting new downtown developments and revitalization efforts, Healing Springs, a new mural in the town, and more.

BEHIND THE GOLDEN SHOVEL | Barnwell County Pt. 3
Join us as we visit the Town of Williston, located in Barnwell County, and learn more about the industries there including Crane Merchandising Systems, National Beverage Screen Printers (NBS, Inc.), and Atlas Carts. We then sat down with Dr. Willie Todd, President and CEO of Denmark Technical College, which serves the counties of Allendale, Bamberg, and Barnwell, to learn more about their manufacturing programs and how the school works with local industries.

BEHIND THE GOLDEN SHOVEL | Barnwell County Pt. 2
On this episode, we visit with Southern Palmetto Regional Chamber's Bob Snead, as he shares about supporting businesses in Barnwell County, and new downtown developments, including the Palmetto Innovation Center, a new hotel, restaurant, retail stores, and more. We then venture over to the SC Advanced Technology Park, where four companies have invested over half a billion dollars and created hundreds of jobs - including UniTech Services Group, Swiss Krono, and Befesa.

BEHIND THE GOLDEN SHOVEL | Barnwell County Pt. 1
We hope you enjoy part I of this episode, where we sat down with Barnwell County Administrator Meredith Wright, to hear about some exciting projects going on in the county including a new amphitheater, animal shelter, a kayak vending machine on Lake Brown, and more. We then joined Barnwell County Council Chairman and SCA Board Member Jerry Creech, who discussed how the Barnwell County Family YMCA is an asset in attracting industry to the area.

BEHIND THE GOLDEN SHOVEL | Summer in the SCA Region: Carolina Visuals & Pioneer Boats
We joined SCA's Marketing Associate Graci Hiers as we visited Colleton County, where we discuss its convenient location right off of I-95, where nearly 50,000 people are traveling through each day as they head to our region's beaches to enjoy the summer weather. There has never been a better time to be in the SCA region, where we not only fly the American flag proudly - but we make it! We are also joined by Pioneer Boats' Roy McSwain who discusses the company's success in our region.

BEHIND THE GOLDEN SHOVEL | SCA Hosts Industrial Prospects During RBC Heritage Pt. 2
During the month of April, SCA had companies from around the world not only watching and playing golf while enjoying the RBC Heritage but looking at our region for investment. In this segment we are joined by Santee Cooper's Bill McCall, Beaufort City Councilman Neil Lipsitz, and S&ME's Chuck Black.

BEHIND THE GOLDEN SHOVEL | SCA Hosts Industrial Prospects During RBC Heritage Pt. 1
During the month of April, SCA had companies from around the world not only watching and playing golf while enjoying the RBC Heritage but looking at our region for investment. Join us as SCA's President and CEO Danny Black, along with SCA's Chairman Marty Sauls and Beaufort County Council Chairman Joe Passiment, discuss how we utilized the opportunity of the RBC Heritage to show off our region to prospects. We also hear from one of our industrial prospects, Andreas, as he talks about his wonderful experience in the SCA region.

2024 Annual Regional Celebration Video
Since January 2020, SCA has announced $1.56 billion in investment and 5,488 jobs in our seven-county region. During this era, two trends have emerged: innovation and international investment. There truly has never been a better time to invest in the SCA region!

BEHIND THE GOLDEN SHOVEL | SCA's 2024 Regional Celebration Pt.1
During SCA's 2024 Regional Celebration that took place in February, we joined former S.C. Governor Jim Hodges, Allendale County Council Chairman Matthew Connelly, and USC Salkehatchie Dean April Cone as they discussed economic development, workforce, and educational opportunities throughout the region.

BEHIND THE GOLDEN SHOVEL | SCA's 2024 Regional Celebration Pt. 2
During SCA's 2024 Regional Celebration, we joined State Street Advisors' Keith Sernick, Barnwell County business owner Sunil Kumar Tadamatla Christopher, and S.C. Commissioner of Agriculture Hugh Weathers as they discussed economic development, workforce, and innovation throughout the region.

Discover Hilton Head Island with Darius Rucker
With renowned cuisine, world-class golf and miles of sandy beaches, Hilton Head Island is one of South Carolina's most iconic beach destinations. Get in a Southern state of mind with some help from Darius Rucker and enjoy discovering a piece of our region with him!

Seaside Grown: Bottling a Legacy
Seaside Grown grows tomatoes and other produce on their century-old farm on St. Helena Island, which is bottled at harvest as salsa, bloody mary mix, and other items. We are proud to have them investing in Beaufort County and providing fresh produce from here in our region.

BEHIND THE GOLDEN SHOVEL | John O'Toole: The Southern Carolina Landing Pad
Beaufort County Economic Development Corporation's Executive Director John O'Toole gives an overview of the Southern Carolina Landing Pad, and how it is designed to assist companies from around the world who are interested in entering the U.S. market.

BEHIND THE GOLDEN SHOVEL | SCA's COO John Fleming: Tin Thanh Group Americas Establishing Operations in Allendale County
Join SCA's COO John Fleming as he discusses how Tin Thanh Group, a tire manufacturer, continues to move along with establishing operations in Allendale County. The company's $68 million investment is creating over 1,000 new jobs.