Dowling Joins SCA Team as BeBamberg Brand Coordinator

December 07, 2020


SouthernCarolina Alliance Names Dowling as Coordinator of Bamberg County Marketing Campaign

SouthernCarolina Alliance is pleased to announce that Letitia Dowling of Denmark, South Carolina, has joined the SouthernCarolina Alliance team as the coordinator of the organization’s internal branding and marketing campaign, “Be Bamberg.”

SouthernCarolina Alliance is the nonprofit organization that provides industrial marketing services to Bamberg and 6 other counties. 

The Alliance partnered with the SC Department of Commerce in 2019 to create an internal marketing and branding campaign to assist Bamberg County after it faced extraordinary obstacles brought on by a devastating fire in downtown Bamberg, national media attention questioning water conditions  in Denmark, and other challenges that year.

The group launched the “Be Bamberg” campaign at the Chamber of Commerce banquet in late November 2019, just weeks before the 2020 pandemic hit the news in January 2020. 

“Our ‘Be Bamberg’ marketing campaign captures the spirit of Bamberg County’s present and future,” said Kay Maxwell, the Vice President of Marketing for SouthernCarolina Alliance. “The families and businesses that have invested in our communities have the power and responsibility to shape our future.  We are proud of that investment and history, but we are looking forward to the progress that new jobs, leadership, and community engagement can bring.  The ‘Be Bamberg’ brand embraces that ideal, while also appealing to those who are just learning about Bamberg County.”

According to Maxwell, the Alliance decided to pause campaign efforts outside of social media when pandemic news became the focus across the nation by February.

“2020 ended up being a very unusual year, so we definitely had to pivot and determine new ways to share the good news about Bamberg since people weren’t meeting face-to-face,” added Maxwell.  “During that time, we proceeded with some of the new welcome signs and began a Facebook page, but we realized that we needed a coordinator in the community who could facilitate our other plans and bring people together.

“Letitia Dowling is already a leader in our community who has been working diligently to improve the quality of life for everyone, from our youth to our elderly, through her volunteer work.  When we decided to bring that coordinator on board, she was a natural choice.”

In her new role, Ms. Dowling will lead the grassroots effort, working directly with community and business leaders, the emerging workforce, and the senior community to identify opportunities to share the positive stories of Bamberg County.  She will be working with SCA as a certified Vista Volunteer.

Through the “Be Bamberg” campaign, SouthernCarolina Alliance has already begun posting original videos and content about good things that people and businesses in the county are doing, even during the pandemic.  Information on these activities and these stories can be viewed at 

To share news and positive stories, you may contact Ms. Dowling at: or at the SCA office at (803)903-1150.

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