Freestanding Emergency Center to Serve Local Communities
The Regional Medical Center (RMC) of Orangeburg, the Medical University of South Carolina, and SouthernCarolina Alliance have announced that RMC will build an $8.63 million, 20,500 square-foot, freestanding 24/7 Emergency Department to serve Bamberg and Barnwell Counties, a facility being made possible by the leadership of Senators Brad Hutto and John Matthews.
RMC officials and members of the Orangeburg County legislative delegation met with Bamberg County and Barnwell County Councils the week of June 12 to make the announcement.
“We are excited to provide local, around-the-clock emergency care services for Bamberg and Barnwell Counties with this new facility,” said RMC Board of Trustees Chairman Melvin Seabrooks. “We are extremely grateful for the leadership of Senator Brad Hutto and Senator John Matthews as well as Representative Lonnie Hosey and Representative Justin Bamberg and the entire area legislative delegation for helping the Regional Medical Center secure state funding for this much-needed facility. The SouthernCarolina Regional Development Alliance led by Danny Black has also been instrumental in this project.
The project is funded by the State of South Carolina through a one-time, $3.6 million Transformation Fund Grant and additional funds resulting from the region's designation as a persistent poverty area. Other funding has been committed by local community stakeholders.
The freestanding Emergency Department will include 24-hour emergency care including CT scan, X-Ray and ultrasound diagnostic imaging, lab and observation services. The facility will be located on 10 acres of land adjacent to Highway 70 between the cities of Denmark and Barnwell to be easily accessible for the populations of both Bamberg and Barnwell Counties.
Plans call for architects to complete design work and begin construction before the end of the summer. It is projected that construction will take 12 months.
Owned by Orangeburg and Calhoun Counties, the Regional Medical Center healthcare system includes a 286-bed, acute-care hospital and 22 primary care and specialty care practices. RMC is affiliated with MUSC Health, the largest academic teaching facility in South Carolina, to further enhance select healthcare services for patients in the region.
Recent News
Sep 19, 2018 | Construction Progress Update at the Regional Emergency Center

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Aug 16, 2018 | Bamberg and Neighboring Counties Win Barrett Lawrimore Regional Cooperation Award

(Bamberg, SC) - At the SCAC Annual Conference on August 7, 2018, The South Carolina Association of Counties announced the 2018 Barrett Lawrimore Regional Cooperation award has been presented to the counties of Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun and Orangeburg for the Regional Medical Center’s Bamberg-Barnwell Regional Free-Standing Emergency Center, currently under construction in Denmark, SC.
“The Bamberg-Barnwell Emergency Medical Center has been a wonderful collaboration not only among Orangeburg, Calhoun, Bamberg and Barnwell counties, but numerous partners including the legislative delegation, the City of Denmark, and SouthernCarolina Alliance, who are all working together to bring emergency healthcare back to this medical dessert,” said Regional Medical Center President and CEO Charles E. Williams, FACHE. “The Regional Medical Center is proud to be a part of this effort to serve the citizens of Bamberg and Barnwell counties, and we look forward to opening the facility by the end of the year.”
In 2012, Bamberg County lost its county hospital; Barnwell County’s hospital closed in 2016. These hospital closures left the citizens of Bamberg and Barnwell Counties with no nearby access to emergency care and resulted in drive times of over 45 minutes for medical care for some residents. Desperate to provide access to quality health care to their citizens, Bamberg and Barnwell County Councils worked with local community leaders to find a viable solution.
Danny Black, President/CEO of SouthernCarolina Alliance (SCA), and Graham Adams, CEO of the Office of Rural Health, worked with Bamberg and Barnwell County Councils to contact larger neighboring hospital providers in the hopes of creating a partnership to reopen the existing hospitals. After many discussions, the team concluded that updating the original hospitals was cost prohibitive, as each would need extensive work to meet current ADA, electrical, fire and other building codes in addition to equipping it with newer technology. After years of searching for a feasible solution, it became apparent to legislators that it was unlikely that any small rural county, like Bamberg and Barnwell, would have the ability to build and sustain a stand-alone, full-service hospital. Furthermore, larger hospital systems were not interested in building a new hospital or updating the old hospitals because of the financial risk.
Recognizing the dire health care situation in Bamberg and Barnwell Counties, Senator Brad Hutto, Senator John Matthews, Representative Lonnie Hosey and Representative Justin Bamberg contacted former SC Health and Human Services Director Christian Soura, Representative G. Murrell Smith, and Senator Thomas Alexander to expand the search for a viable solution to the “healthcare desert” in the Greater Salkehatchie region of the state.
After much research, discussion and unsuccessful attempts to attract a provider to the region, the idea of a stand-alone, 24-hour emergency center became the most viable solution. This concept quickly gained acceptance by the leadership team because of its scalability. The facility will begin as a free-standing emergency center but can later expand to allow for a broader medical campus and services. The freestanding Emergency Department will be operated by the Regional Medical Center of Orangeburg will include 24-hour emergency care including CT scan, X-Ray and ultrasound diagnostic imaging, lab and observation services. The facility will be located on 10 acres of land adjacent to Highway 70 between the cities of Denmark and Barnwell to be easily accessible for the populations of both Bamberg and Barnwell Counties.
According to Senator Brad Hutto, “We were able to convince our colleagues that our citizens in Bamberg and Barnwell counties deserved to have readily accessible emergency healthcare. State officials recognized the wisdom of regional collaboration to solve this problem, and we were able to develop a plan to finance the new facility and it required a lot of hard work by many parties to make the plan a reality.”
“The regional emergency care facility is a multi-county project that required collaboration and cooperation across four counties and with multiple organizations. We are pleased that SouthernCarolina Alliance could play a role in helping to bring an innovative healthcare solution to Bamberg and Barnwell Counties, where our citizens will now have 24/7 emergency care for the first time in several years,” stated Danny Black, SCA President/CEO. “We congratulate Bamberg, Barnwell, Orangeburg, and Calhoun counties on this statewide recognition.”
The infrastructure required to service the Bamberg-Barnwell Emergency Center will promote future economic growth in an area that previously had little to no utility infrastructure. Communication infrastructure provided by AT&T will enhance broadband/internet capabilities in the region which are increasingly necessary for today’s educational and economic opportunities. Expansion of water, sewer and electrical infrastructure increases the likelihood of attracting other industries to the area.
The Regional Medical Center’s Barnwell-Bamberg Emergency Medical Center is a truly collaborative project, as it required the participation of multiple stakeholders to secure funding, land, provide infrastructure, and guarantee 24-hour staffing of medical professionals. The effort also creates a plan that can be modeled to other regions throughout the state and the nation that find themselves in similar healthcare Deserts. Since 2010, three hospitals have closed in South Carolina: the two in Bamberg and Barnwell, along with Marlboro Park Hospital in Bennettsville. Rural hospital closures are occurring across the nation; since 2010, 85 hospitals across the country have closed their doors. Healthcare deserts are an unfortunate reality in South Carolina and many other states, and this project provides a replicable solution for other locations.
Awarded annually since 1999 by the SCAC, The Barrett Lawrimore Memorial Regional Cooperation Award highlights the growing need for regional partnerships, strategies, and solutions. Competition for this award is open to two or more political subdivisions that worked together on a project. In a highly competitive group of applicants, the SCAC panel selected the Bamberg-Barnwell Emergency Medical Center as the 2018 winner, as it is an innovative, scalable, replicable solution for a major healthcare challenge in rural communities.
“I am proud of the collaborative project between four counties, a municipality, the Regional Medical Center of Orangeburg and Calhoun, the local economic development team, and the state delegation,” stated Joey Preston, Bamberg County Administrator. “The Barrett Lawrimore Regional Cooperation Award is highly competitive and there were many worthy applications this year. To win this esteemed award demonstrates the importance of this Emergency Medical Center to our communities, and also highlights the necessity of partnerships to address healthcare challenges in South Carolina’s rural counties.”
View the award-winning presentation describing the Bamberg Barnwell Emergency Medical Center in Denmark, SC:
For more information on this press release, email
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Jun 27, 2018 | Construction Progress Update at the Regional Emergency Center
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May 14, 2018 | Construction Progress Update at the Regional Emergency Center

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Apr 20, 2018 | Construction Progress Update at the Regional Emergency Center

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Apr 19, 2018 | Bamberg Barnwell Emergency Medical Center Receives USDA Funding for Equipment

ORANGEBURG, S.C. – April 10, 2018 - The Regional Medical Center (RMC) has received three grants totaling $148,140 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help fund equipment for the new Bamberg Barnwell Emergency Medical Center that will be located outside of Denmark.
The funds, awarded by the USDA’s South Carolina Office of Rural Development, will be used to purchase ultrasound and information technologies equipment. Judy Capehart, an area specialist for the USDA Rural Development office in Orangeburg, presented the grants to the RMC Board of Trustees at recent board meetings.
“Receiving these three grants from the USDA will help RMC purchase cutting-edge technology to provide high-quality and efficient care to the citizens of Bamberg and Barnwell counties. We appreciate the support of the USDA as we work to bring valuable healthcare resources to those who need them in our community,” said Charles Williams, FACHE, RMC President and CEO.
In addition to 24-hour emergency care, the new facility will provide CT scan, X-Ray and ultrasound diagnostic imaging, lab and observation services. Located on 10 acres of land adjacent to Highway 70 between Denmark and Barnwell, the emergency medical center is expected to be completed in the fall of 2018.
About the Regional Medical Center
The Regional Medical Center (RMC) healthcare system includes a 286-bed, acute-care hospital certified by The Joint Commission, and 22 primary care and specialty care practices. It is also certified by The Joint Commission as an Advanced Primary Stroke Center and designated as a Level III Trauma Center by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC).
Pictured: RMC Board of Trustees Chair Dr. Caesar Richburg accepts grant funding on behalf of the RMC Board of Trustees from Judy Capeheart, area specialist for the USDA Rural Development Office in Orangeburg.
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Mar 8, 2018 | The facility is well under construction, and the frame of the building is is now visible.
Here are photos from the morning of March 8th:

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Feb 27, 2018 | Construction Progress at the Bamberg Barnwell Emergency Medical Center

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Feb 9, 2018 | Construction Progress Update at the Bamberg Barnwell Emergency Medical Center

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Jan 17, 2018 | Aerials of the construction progress at the Emergency Center on Hwy 70, just outside of Denmark, SC

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